Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tempat Download Film Gratis Yang Update Truss

Menonton film di zaman sekarang sudah termasuk dalam kebutuhan hidup apalagi dgn teknologi yg super canggih sekarang ini di jamin film2 yg dibuat oleh sineas Hollywood layak buat di tunggu.Nah bagi yang hobby DOWNLOAD FILM GRATIS ini link tempat download movie yg UPdate trus  check this one :

Selamat berdownload ria >>> 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gaya Fashion Unik Remaja Jepang

Jepang merupakan salah satu negara pusat mode Asia. Warga Jepang, khususnya para remaja bukan hanya sekedar menjadi "early adopter" tetapi juga menciptakan gaya dan trend tersendiri.

Walau gaya berbusana para kaum muda Jepang ini terkesan unik dan aneh, namun mereka tetap percaya diri mengenakannya saat gaul atau berjalan-jalan. Gaya mereka amat menarik untuk disimak. Berikut foto-foto fashion unik remaja jepang yang dikutip dari situs



Gaya fashion yang sungguh berani bukan? Apakah kamu para remaja Indonesia berani juga?

Rainbow Cake

Sekarang siapa sich yang nggk tau sama pelangi, Warna-warni cantiknya sudah sejak lama mempesona setiap mata orang yang melihatnya. Nah sekarang gradasi warna yang cantik itu menginspirasi orang untuk membuat nya menjadi kue.

Yups seperti kue yang lagi mewabah sekarang ini " Rainbow Cake ". Warnanya yang cantik pasti membuat orang tertarik buat mencicipinya.

Lalu,Gimana sich asal mulanya kue ini tercipta. Ternyata, hal tersebut berawal dari seorang mahasiswi di salah satu perguruan tunggi di Amerika Serikat.Dia adalah Kaitlin Flannery.

Berawal dari rencananya untuk memberikan sebuah kejutan kepada salah seorang sahabatnya yang hendak merayakan pesta ulang tahun. Dan kebetulan, sahabat dari Kaitlin tersebut sangat menyukai pelangi. Dan Kaitlin pun membuat sebuah kejutan dengan membuat sebuah kue yang ketika dipotong akan muncul "pelangi" di dalamnya. Pelangi disini adalah warna-warni dari bagian dalam Rainbow Cake.

Dan setelah Kaitlin membuat serta memberikan kue tersebut kepada sahabatnya, ternyata sang sahabat sangat suka dengan kejutan yang diberikan Kaitlin melalui kue buatannya. Bukan hanya sahabat Kaitlin yang berulang tahun saja yang menyukai kue tersebut, teman-temannya yang lain juga sangat tertarik dengan karya Kaitlin.

Dan akhirnya, banyak yang suka lalu mengunggah hasil karya Kaitlin ke dalam Media sosial.  Taraaaa,.. Dan Rainbow Cake pun kini dikenal oleh banyak orang.

Penasaran dengan Rainbow Cake dan ingin mencicipinya? Lets we try to make it by your self, dan inilah  Cara Membuat Rainbow Cake. Mari kita simak :

Bahan-bahan untuk membuat Rainbow Cake :

  • 400 gr gula
  • 5 butir putih telur
  • 250 gram butter
  • 1/2 sdt garam
  • 4 sdt baking powder
  • 350 gr susu UHT
  • 375 gram tepung
  • 6 jenis warna / pewarna makanan (merah, kuning, orange, biru, hijau, ungu)
  • 2 sdt vanila esens

Toping Rainbow Cake:
  • 100 gr mentega putih
  • Springkle warna warni 
  • 100 gr cream cheese
Cara Membuat Rainbow Cake :

  1. Campur tepung, vanila esens, bakin powder, serta garam di dalam satu wadah, lalu sisihkan. 
  2. Kocoklah putih telur, hingga tampak kaku, lalu sisihkan.
  3. Kocoklah butter dan gula, hingga lembut. Lalu tambahkan putih telur yang telah dikocok tadi sedikit demi sedikit.
  4. Tambahkan campuran tepung tadi beserta susu UHT secara bergantian ke dalam adonan telur tersebut, lalu aduklah hingga rata.
  5. Tuang adonan tersebut ke dalam 6 wadah, lalu beri pewarna sesuai Rainbow Cake (6 Warna)
  6. Lalu pangganglah adonan tersebut ke dalam suhu 160'C selama kurang lebih 15-20 menit.
  7. Setelah itu, dinginkan dan susun secara bertumpuk sesuai urutan warna selera Anda.
  8. Kocok cream cheese, serta mentega putih, hingga lembut. Setelah itu oleskan pada cake, pada bagian atas.
  9. Hiasi Cake dengan springkle warna-warni.
  10. Taraaa,..Rainbow Cake sudah siap dihidangkan. 
Agar Rainbow Cake buatan Mu tersebut tampak cantik, potonglah cake, dengan tujuan untuk memamerkan bagian dalam Rainbow Cake yang warna-warni.
Harga Rainbow Cake di pasaran sangat beragam mulai dari Rp.17.500,- hingga Rp.45.000,- per potong, Dari yang pernah aku coba harga nya Rp.25.000 per slice cukup sebanding lah dengan rasanya yang memang enak dan ukurannya yang  cukup besar plus mengenyangkan. Jadi selamat berburu Rainbow Cake yaa ...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 The Amazing Place In The World

Most beautiful places in the world the following is probably the most beautiful places and most spectacular in the world that is very rarely seen before. From the beauty of Antarctica, the cities above the clouds, hidden beaches are spectacular, and other places, which is even more impressive and have never been published before ...

1.Recreation at the End of the World in the Arctic Ocean
A very beautiful place to relax with a crystal-clear water and very cold. The Arctic is a region in the Arctic earth 

 2.A City In The Clouds
This is Machu Picchu, a city of the lost Inca civilization. Located in the Valley Urumba, Peru, on top of the mountain, 2430 meters above sea level. This place was built in the glory of their civilization, in 1460's.

3.Puerto Princesa Underground River (Philippines)
National Park which is located about 50 km north of Puerto Princesa City Philippines. It features a limestone karst mountain landscape with km 8.2. navigable underground river. A distinguishing feature is the river that winds through a cave before flowing directly into the South China Sea.
It includes major formations of stalactites and stalagmites, and several large rooms. The bottom of the river subject to tidal influence. Underground River is renowned as the longest in the world.

4.Uluru ( Australia )
Uluru (Ayers Rock) is one of the most famous icons of Australia's natural.
Sandstone formation known in the world standing 348 m above sea level with most of the bulk below the ground, and measures 9.4 km in circumference. Uluru appears to change the color of light of different attacks at different times of day and year.

5.Iguazu Falls ( Argentina , Brazil )
Iguazu Falls is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Its length is more than 2,700 m (nearly 2 miles) in a semicircle. Which fell from 275 to collectively form the Iguassu Falls, "Devil's Throat" is the highest is 80 m. Iguazu Falls on the border between the Brazilian state Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones, and surrounded by two National Parks (BR / ARG). Both subtropical forests for hundreds of rare species threatened with extinction.

6.Mysterious light in the North.
Rays Aurora Borealis that "spectacular" in the skies of Alaska (the northern tip of America, near the North Pole). Aurora is actually the natural light in the sky caused by the collision of particles of the earth's magnetic field with atoms and molecules of Earth's upper atmosphere. The color is most common there are two, green and red and can be seen at night.

7.The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is a salt lake between the West Bank / Palestine / Israel and Jordan west to east. At 420 meters below sea level, the beach is the lowest point on earth that is on dry land. With 30 percent salinity, is 8.6 times saltier than the ocean.

8.Bay Of Fundy ( Canada )
Bay of Fundy is famous for the highest tides on the planet (16.2 meters or 53 feet). One hundred billion tonnes of seawater flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy twice a day - more water than the combined flow of all rivers of the world's fresh. Fundy's extreme tide makes marine ecosystems are dynamic and diverse. Bay is famous for coastal rock formations, is also an important foraging for international migratory birds, habitat for fish life Pope rare and endangered species, in the Bay is also the area of ​​discovery of fossils of plants and animals are rare in the world. This Bay is located between Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on the east coast of North America.

9.Great Barrier Reef ( Australia )
Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system on the planet, with about 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for 2,600 km over an area of ​​approximately 344,400 sq. km. This is the largest single structure made ​​by living things and can be seen from space.

10.Cinque Terre Rivera ( Italia )
This Village is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy. The town is famous for its beauty was built for hundreds of years, and its uniqueness to stay awake .. Seafood here is also very special, of course because it was on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea (Part of UNESCO World Heritage Site). 

 Artikel Bahasa Inggris :
Artikel Bahasa Indonesia :


Saturday, March 12, 2011

10 The Most Excellent Games In PS one

The following games are a collection of games most often played, maybe one of them is your favorite game time before ... 
Ok Check This Out!

1.Harvest Moon - Back to Nature 

2.Crash Team Racing 

3.Spyro the Dragon 3 - Year of the Dragon

 4.Monsters Inc. - Scream Team 

5.Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of the Super Heroes


6.Syphon Filter 


 7.Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis 

 8.WWF SmackDown! 2 - Know Your Role 

9.Theme Hospital 

10.Bust-a-Move '99 [U]

10 Expensive Food That Made From GOLD

Food is something that is unusual but it would be special if the food is made ​​of gold which can be dining and of course the price is very expensive, if you want to try but please be careful in savings accounts could have you become exhausted ......check this out.

1.Frrozen Haute Chocolate
This dessert comes from Seredipity 3 restaurant in New York, this is the most expensive food in the world worth $ 25,000, this Sundaeis a mixture of 28 kinds of chocolate, chocolate dan14 of which is the most expensive and most exotic in this world. Sundae also contains 5 grams of gold, that can be eaten and there is also a gold bracelet with diamonds at the bottom of the glass. In fact, the sundae is eaten with a spoon especially gold, and a few grains of brown and white diamonds, which you can save. Be careful not to swallow it!

 2.The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence
This food comes from Sri Lanka one of the poorest country in the world, the price reached $ 14,000, food was a sugar-containing fruit decorated sugar fisherman statue made ​​of chocolate and a giant gemstone. expensive menu must be ordered visitors in particular. However, until now no one was willing to spend money to try the expensive menu ... So You Want to be a first ...

 3.Golden Opulence Sundae 
These foods also come from the restaurant Seredipity 3 in New York for $ 10000, Ice cream provides extraordinary taste sensation. What makes the ice cream is expensive because there are 23 carat gold leaf that can be eaten. The restaurant is located on 60th Street in Manhattan is getting the Guinness Book of World Records for most expensive dessert. Ice cream made ​​from Tahitian vanilla ice cream,then mixed with Venezuelan chocolate, then sprinkled with Hershey syrup maschino topped with cherry, chocolate trufel. So Ehmmm Yummy .....

 4.Pizza Royale 007
 This Pizza came from Italy is the world's most expensive pizza for $ 3700, this pizza is very exlusive. For the pizza made ​​by experts, with a topping of caviar, marinated in champagne, lobster Mediterranean, and sprinkled with basil leaves instead, but the gold leaf! Then the pizza was doused with cognac Rémy Martin Louis XII for $ 2000, and then baked in a perfect authentic Italian pizza oven...Very Delicious....

Sushi is the world's most expensive and made ​​of gold worth $ 2,750 is made by a young chef from a restaurant in Manila Fhilipina. Angelito Araneta Jr., managed to create delicious meals for the rich and famous. Materials used in preparing the sushi was not much different from sushi in general, but you will find there are other enhancements that some thin sheet made ​​of 24 carat gold 0.20 carat diamond and a number of African ... . Woow ..

6.The Golden Eggs
This food is for $ 1000, Omelet is there in the menu at Norma's Le Parker Meridien Hote restaurant, located on West 57th Street in Manhattan. This food is made ​​of six eggs, fresh Atlantic lobster, 10 ounces of caviar imported, cut green onion, butter and cream and a little thin sheets made ​​of gold .. Want to try forbreakfeast!

7.The Sultan's Golden Cake
This dessert spend around $ 1000, There are at Ciragan Palace in Istanbul. Cake is a delicious blend of Rhum, dark caramel truffles and edible gold. If you're in a romantic journey in Istanbul do not forget a time to taste this delicious dessert ...

8.The Brownies Extraordinaire
Italian hazelnut chocolate brownies studded and crystal atomizer plus spray  gold worth $ 1000!, for you who like to eat  brownies try this one on the guarantee you will be addicted ..... Watch Out ...


9.Chocolate Variation
Worth $ 640, this dessert is made from champagne sorbet [Roederrer Crystal] and gold leaf that can be eaten From Italia. The series concludes with sweet foods Perigord Truffle, Chocolate Mousse chocolate strawberries and a piece of cake..... interested ...Very nice to be given on Valentine's Day to our loved ones.

10.The Madeleine Truffle
They cost $ 250, made ​​of gold and a piece of diamond in it. Made of high-quality choice chocolate that makes people who eat them will never forget the sensation of delicious ...

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